Who we are?
E.I.D. – Parry (India) Limited is a listed company engaged in the business of Sugar and Nutraceuticals. Headquartered in ‘Dare House’ a heritage building, in Chennai, India, the Company is a part of the INR 300 Billion Murugappa Group, one of India’s leading business conglomerates.
A Few First
Sugar Specialists – Pioneer in India, manufacturing sugar for more than two centuries and always ahead of the innovation curve. Market leader with the expertise to manufacture sugar to critical specifications addressing specific customized needs of the food, bakery, confectioneries, beverage & pharmaceutical industries.
Pioneer and Leader…
1st Sugar Company in India to start co generation of green power using sugar-cane bagasse All Co generation Power Plants operating on the principle of ‘zero effluents’ ‘zero discharge’ and ‘zero residue’. Process residue converted to soil nutrient for organic fertilizers.
Products & Customization
High quality, customized grades of pharmaceutical sugar confirming to Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP), British Pharmacopoeia (BP), US Pharmacopoeia (USP), Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP)
EID Parry History
1842 -Parry’s first venue into sugar. Exports of the commodity begin and the Vandipalayam sugar factory, the firm’s first industrial venture is established not far from Cuddalore in what is now south Arcot Parry’s first venue into sugar.
Exports of the commodity begin and the Vandipalayam sugar factory, the firm’s first industrial venture is established not far from Cuddalore in what is now south arcot
1788, On July 17th, Thomas Parry, one of the first British traders to see the future that existed in India’s rural areas, establishes his business in India.
1789 - Thomas Parry, while also trading in his own name, joins with Thomas Chase in the partnership firm of Chase and Parry.
1790- The firm becomes Chase Parry and Co., with Henry Sewell becoming the third partner.
1792- The partnership is wound up and Parry concentrates on his own trading.
1795 The firm of Thomas Parry and Co. is founded.1803- Parry acquires the corner site where Parry’s headquarters is still situated.
1819- Parry ventures into partnership with John William Dare and christens the firm “Parry & Dare”.
1834 Parry buys land in Wynaad to develop coffee plantations.
1839 The company is known as Parry & Co. for the first time, a name that is to remain unchanged till 1928.
1897 The East India Distilleries and Sugar Factories Limited (EID) is formed in London with John Henry Tod as first Chairman. Parry is appointed as the Managing Agents of the new company which takes over Parrys’ industrial assets.
1906 The Presidency Manure Works begins manufacture of superphosphate and sulphuric acid in Ranipet. Parry enters the fertilizer and chemical business.
1928 Parry becomes limited liability company and is now known as Parry & Company Limited.
1939 Construction of Dare House begins.
2003 Demerger of Farm Inputs Division to Coromandel International Limited (CIL) and CIL Issued shares to E.I.D. – Parry Shareholders. Divestment of entire investment in Parrys Confectionery Limited to Lotte Confectionery Company-Korea. Delisting of Equity Shares from London Stock Exchange.
1975 E.I.D. – Parry (India) Limited is formed and registered in Chennai (Erstwhile Madras).
1981 E.I.D-Parry (EIDP) becomes a part of the Murugappa Group.
2006 Setting up of 18MW Cogen Power Plant at Pudukkottai. Execution of Joint Venture Agreement with Cargill Asia Pacific Holdings PTE Limited and formation of Joint Venture Company-Silk road Sugar Private Limited.
2008 Makes strategic investment in US Nutraceuticals LLC-USA through acquisition of 48% stake.
2009 Acquires 76% stake in Sadashiva Sugars Limited and enters the state of Karnataka.
2010 Acquires a majority stake in Parrys Sugar Industries Limited (previously known as GMR Industries Limited) via open offer. Subdivides face value of equity shares from Rs.2 per share to Re.1 per share Sells off entire holding in Roca Bathroom Products Private Limited. Increased the throughput sugarcane capacity to 32500 TCD and co-generation to 146 MW.
2007 Commissions 22MW co-generation power plant at Pugalur factory. Acquiring 51% stake in Phyto remedies Bio Labs Private Limited now called as Parry Phyto remedies Private Limited – Pune, who are specialists in extraction of Carotenoid Lycopene. Sells off majority stake in Parry ware Roca Private Limited. Commission of 60KLPD distillery plant at Sivaganga.
2004 Launches first ever branded sugar – Parry’s Pure Refined Sugar. Disinvestment of Netlon, General Marketing and Travels Division to Parry Enterprises India Limited.
2005 Sub-Division of equity shares from Rs.10/- per share to Rs.2/- per share. Formation of 50:50 joint venture with ROCA of Spain-World Leaders in Bathroom Products. Acquisition of assets of New Horizon Sugar Mills Limited Puducherry.
2011 Consolidation of operations at Parry Sugar Industries Limited and Sadashiva Sugars Limited. Increased Equity Stake to 100% in Sadashiva Sugars Limited. Increased Voting Rights to 100% in US Nutraceuticals Limited.
2012 The Joint Venture Company, Silkroad becoming a Subsidiary (99%) after EID acquires the entire stake of its Joint Venture Partner, Cargill Asia Pacific Holdings P.T.E. Two units of Parry’s Sugar Industries Limited namely Haliyal unit and Sankili unit was merged with E.I.D.-Parry (India) Limited in the year 2012.
2014 Sadashiva Sugars Limited was merged with E.I.D.- Parry (India) Limited in the year 2014.
2015 Parry Phyto remedies Private Limited was merged with E.I.D.- Parry (India) Limited in the year
2017 Parrys Sugar Industries Limited was merged with E.I.D.-Parry (India) Limited in the year 2017.
2018 Sale of Bio pesticides Business and Divestment of entire shareholding in Parry America Inc., to Coromandel International Limited, Subsidiary Company
Varietal development
EID Parry’s sugarcane breeding programme focuses on the development of proprietary varieties of cane with superior traits of yield and productivity that ensure higher economic returns for the farmers and higher recovery for the mills.
Tissue Culture
Pure, clean and healthy seed cane determines the performance of the crop by ensuring maximum germination and plays an important role in obtaining higher cane yield and sustaining varietal vigour.
Sugarcane crop is affected by fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasma diseases, of which fungi are largely responsible for reducing yield of sugarcane worldwide.
E.I.D. Parry was amongst the first in India, to establish bio control agents as an integral part of pest management and as an alternate to chemical pesticides.
Sugarcane crop requires readily available nutrients for the full exploitation of its cropping potential, which in turn is reciprocated in terms of high yields.
Sugar Sachets
Extra fine granulated sugar is packed in regular as well as tabular form. Wealso cater into customized.packaging to your specification also. It also offerexcellent portion control , low wastage and an exciting table presence.Sachets having double refined sugar which packed in hygienic condition ensuring GMP / K E Standards & highly soluble & free from microbial contamination.Sugar Sachets are packed in eco-friendly high quality food grade polyester & poly glass in paper in different customized packs for tableuse. To make your café /restaurant/ home/ office/conference/boutique /hospital or any other establishment a special experience for the customer. We tailor-make.
Sugar Cubes
Murugappa Group
Founded in 1900, the INR 329 Billion (32,893 Crores) Murugappa Group is one of India’s leading business conglomerates. The Group has 28 businesses including nine listed Companies traded in NSE & BSE. Headquartered in Chennai, the major Companies of the Group include Carborundum Universal Ltd., Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd., Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd., Coromandel International Ltd., Coromandel Engineering Company Ltd., E.I.D. Parry (India) Ltd., Parry Agro Industries Ltd., Shanthi Gears Ltd., Tube Investments of India Ltd., TI Financial Holdings Ltd and Wendt (India) Ltd.
Market leaders in served segments including Abrasives, Auto Components, Transmission systems, Cycles, Sugar, Farm Inputs, Fertilisers, Plantations, Bio-products and Nutraceuticals, the Group has forged strong alliances with leading international companies such as Groupe Chimique Tunisien, Foskor, Mitsui Sumitomo, Morgan Advanced Materials, Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM), Yanmar & Co. and Compagnie Des Phosphat De Gafsa (CPG). The Group has a wide geographical presence all over India and spanning 6 continents.
The story of the Murugappa Group is a legacy of entrepreneurship that started in 1934 and lives to this day.
Our journey began in 1898 when 14-year-old Murugappa Chettiar accompanied his uncle as an apprentice to the British province of Burma. He eventually set up his own banking practice, with his fluency in Burmese giving him an uncommon edge. By 1914, he had secured his firm’s position as second only to The Imperial Bank of Burma.
Many Things to Many People: EID Parry
In 1788, Thomas Parry chose Nellikuppam, Tamil Nadu to set up the first sugar plant in the country. This pioneering spirit and commitment to excellence continues to be the hallmark of EID Parry till today. At Parry’s, we are proud to have set the industry benchmark for purity in sugar among the other Sugar Manufacturers in India.
In our pursuit of excellence, we have adopted a top-to-toe system for ensuring the highest standard of quality. From revitalising the soil for healthier yields to packaging purer sugar in our factories, we have consistently leveraged technology to maximise quality and efficiency. It is thus no wonder that EID Parry is the sugar of choice across the food and pharma industries.
Over the years, we have secured our position as industry leader with path-breaking innovations. In 2000, we set up the first fully-automated sugar plant at Pudukkottai, where we have specialised in the manufacture of plantation white sugar from sugarcane. Our standalone distillery at Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu utilises a state-of-the-art incineration boiler to handle distillery effluents.
The latest feather in our cap is the state-of-the-art refinery in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. This refinery, located in a special economic zone, will cater to the demand for high-quality refined sugar in the Asia Pacific region.
We have nine sugar plants spread across South India, with four in Tamil Nadu. At each of our units and in our plantations across the country we have ushered in farming innovations that have visibly improved the lives of over 1,00,000 farmers. Our Pugalur plant in Tamil Nadu was recently certified ‘Bon Sucro’, an initiative in sustainable sugarcane.
EID Parry recently launched Amrit – 100% Original Cane Sugar to cater to the requirement for a healthier sugar option among Indian consumers.
Going beyond sugar, the business now covers a wide range of products, including Bio-Products and microalgal health supplements from our Nutraceuticals division.
Towards greener pastures
At EID Parry, we take our role as agents of change very seriously. And this is the reason we are also committed to promoting safe and sustainable agriculture. Around the world the campaign for eco-friendly and organic agricultural inputs is gaining momentum, and our Bio-Products division is fully tuned to this global movement.
Our path-breaking discovery of the extraction of Azadirachtin (AZA) and its use in bio-pesticides and our capabilities in this division have been recognised by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, which has included AZA in their list of approved products.
Over the years, our Bio-Products division has built on its global leadership position in AZA bio-pesticides, and penetrated new markets. The popularity of our innovative crop-protection solutions has seen a phenomenal rise, both in the domestic and international markets. Our Neemazal brand of products (manufactured using a high-quality AZA extraction process) are better than any other in this segment.
Naturally superior products for healthy living
Our certified nutraceutical products cater to the growing demand for natural health care and wellness solutions. A global leader in micro algae technology, the Nutraceutical division has maintained its position as market leader in organic Spirulina. It has also developed other products, including natural food ingredients addressing specific health needs.
In recent years we have worked towards increasing the visibility of the Parry’s brand in the wellness segment of the domestic market.
Our products are marketed to leading North American healthcare brands, through our subsidiary US Nutraceuticals LLC.